
What We Believe

God is Creator.

God is Creator, holy, perfect, good, self-existing, all-knowing, all-powerful, one God in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus the Son of God, fully God and fully man, was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life on earth, was crucified on a cross for forgiveness of sin, was resurrected by the Father, ascended to heaven, and will return again to gather His people and judge the earth.

The Holy Spirit indwells believers.

The Holy Spirit is one with the Father and Son, lives inside believers, and through the church, empowers change, obedience, spiritual growth, wisdom, and gives the guidance and discipline of God.

The Bible is the word of God.

The Bible written in its original text is the inspired, complete revelation of God, given by Him to humankind, that they may know and be known by God.

People, except Jesus, have sinned and need forgiveness.

All people, except Jesus, have sinned and need forgiveness for sin, which has been provided by God through the substitutionary death of Jesus on the cross.

People receive forgiveness.

People receive forgiveness by believing and trusting that Jesus’ death reconciled them to God and that Jesus’ resurrection provided eternal life forever with Him: this is the gospel.

The Church is the body of Christ.

The Church is the body of Christ, all true believers throughout history, and also a local body of believers who worship, manifest, and serve God together in community.

Christians follow the example of Christ on earth.

Christians follow the example of Christ on earth, demonstrate increasing obedience, holiness, and love toward God and their neighbor, and strive to do good in the world.