It can be daunting to try out a new church. We want to ease those feelings as much as we can, so below you can find answers to many common questions. Feel free to contact us if you have other concerns. Please know that we welcome all worshippers!
We are located at 410 1st Ave, N. (Hwy 16) in Conover, three blocks from downtown.
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There is designated parking for visitors and handicapped parking near the main sidewalk.
Designated parking is available on both sides of the front entrance of the sanctuary and there is a ramp for those who want to avoid steps. We also have an elevator for easy access between floors. Call the church office ahead of time for assistance, 828-464-4635.
Expect to be warmly greeted by a church member. There are welcome gifts located on a table just inside the front door – please take one! Ushers will provide a bulletin of the order of worship. Sit anywhere, or ask an usher for assistance finding a seat, and join with us to worship our great God!
Children are always welcome in the worship services if you desire to keep your children with you. We also have a paid nursery director, Miss Pilar Tobar, with adult volunteer assistants, and a well-equipped nursery with parent pagers for ages 0-3 years. Ask a greeter for assistance in getting to the nursery downstairs.
The Contemporary Worship Service that begins at 8:45AM is an informal yet structured atmosphere with prayer and music that are interactive and energetic.
The Traditional Worship Service at 11:00AM is conventional and structured and uses hymns and limited liturgy.
At both services, you will hear preaching that is scripture-based, Christ-focused, and application-oriented.
We share in the sacrament of Holy Communion about 7-8 times a year. We practice Open Communion, which means all who profess Jesus Christ as Savior are welcome at the Communion Table, including children accompanied by adults.
On Sunday mornings in between worship services, we invite you to take part in a Sunday School. Adults may choose from five different classes. Ushers can direct you to the location of classes. Feel free to visit each one until you find the best fit for you.
For Preschool- 5th grade, classes are age-based with adult teachers. Middle school, high school and college-aged/young adults have separate classes.
Ladies’ and Men’s restroom facilities are located through the exit doors at the front of the sanctuary, downstairs in the Preschool area, and in the Connor Family Life Center.
Guests are never expected to give money at FMC Conover! Our ministry is faith-based and supported voluntarily by our members and regular participants. If you are a visitor, please fill out a Guest Card from the pew racks and drop it in the offering plate or hand it to an usher. If you would like a confidential prayer, we are privileged to pray for you! Please utilize the Prayer Request Cards, giving as much information as you are comfortable with, and drop that in the offering plate at the front or rear of the sanctuary.
Sometimes guests prefer to remain “incognito” the first few times they visit, since they are likely visiting other churches and have not yet made a decision about joining a church. Please initiate contact when you are ready. You may do this by telling a greeter or usher that you are a guest, or by filling out a guest card and placing it in the offering plate. If you fill out a guest card, please indicate how you prefer to be contacted. Expect a follow-up call, email, or visit according to your wishes.
There is no dress code! You should be comfortable walking into our church wearing dress clothes, casual clothes, a uniform or whatever helps you prepare your heart for worship. At our contemporary service, you will typically find more casual dress than at the traditional service.
Contemporary Worship Service
8:45 am
Sunday School for all ages
10:00 am
Traditional Worship Service
11:00 am