
Upcoming Events

Missions Workshop April 20

The NC GMC is partnering with One Mission Society and their 1-day Church Training Workshops to provide regional workshops across the state. The intention is to help EVERY CHURCH in the NC GMC develop an intentional missions plan for their church, impacting the church's ministry from their neighborhood, their city, regionally, and globally.

First Methodist Church of Conover will host one of these events on April 20 (Saturday) from 9-12. It will be open to churches all around us. We want anyone interested in missions of any type to plan to attend this workshop. We will have time together to cast vision and make plans for the mission work of First Methodist Church.

Remember, in the GMC, missions will arise from every local church -- from every church and every church's neighborhood -- to our regional, national, and global missions. As we hear God's call to "witness boldly," the GMC wants to equip churches to be effective in every area of mission God calls us to.

QR code for Missions Workshop Registration

Journey to Jerusalem Prayer Walk starting March 24, 2024

The Prayer Walk will be open 6:00-8:30 on Sunday, March 24; Monday, March 25; Tuesday, March 26; Wednesday, March 27; and Friday, March 29.

This video below is a narrated walk-through of the Journey to Jerusalem Prayer Walk from 2023. It gives a small taste of the experience, to help you know what to expect. The full experience is more sensory and very powerful!

If the link below isn't working, try viewing it on Facebook:

Trip to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

May 20-23, 2024

Recurring Events

Ashure Volunteer Day
Ashure Volunteer Day

Every first Monday of the month at 9:00 AM, volunteers from our church help out at Ashure Ministries (formerly called the Eastern Catawba Cooperative Christian Ministry, Inc. –ECCCM). Volunteer jobs include sorting donations, folding letters and stuffing envelopes, and other simple jobs. Come join the fun and fellowship as we serve!



245 East N Street
Newton, NC 28658